Tag Archives: life

Think Happy Thoughts —-> Be.

27 Jan

Don’t just think happy thoughts…. Be.  Be your happy thoughts and materialize them into your reality.  Focus on the practice of recognizing negativity and eliminating it at its root.  Negativity is wasted time and energy that will leave you feeling exhausted without motivation or the stamina to doing anything progressive.  Move forward, onward, upward, and just go be.  Figure out, “What makes me happy?”  Repeat out loud, “What makes me happy?”  Find out what you like, find out what you love.  And then write it down immediately before any negative thoughts squander them away.  Be stronger than your negative thoughts.  As soon as your negative thought tries to put you down, say “No. I am stronger than you.  And you are wrong.  I will not let you speak to me in that way.” By writing down what you makes you happy, you have already taken the first steps to making it your reality.  You took action.  Continue taking action and find out what is necessary to be doing what you love.  Surround yourself with people who are friendly, supportive, positive, and that love you.  If at times, you lose energy, go back to that piece of paper where you wrote down what makes you happy. Read it, study it, read it again.  Hold it in your hands, say it out loud, close your eyes, and envision yourself there….. being happy.  Remember, you are worth having happiness.

Think Happy Thoughts. Be.

Aimee Michelle

New Hair Cut! Don’t Get Scared!

8 May

Hi All!

I hope everyone has been doing well.  As usual, I have been pretty busy. Not so much with photography, but rather with life.  Changes.  I cut my hair pretty darn short.  It’s called a “pixie cut.”  Aka a bit longer than a boy’s haircut.  You will remember that I recently did a self-portrait with my version of the Madhatter.  Yes, that crazy hair was all mine!  It was the result of a bad perm.  Okay, I’m lying, it was two bad perms!  So much for being persistent.  Also, I had mentioned that I absolutely hated the way my nose photographs and I kept having to Photoshop it.  Well, it turns out my suspicions were right.  My nose is indeed broken!  So in my vain defense, it was a necessity to Photoshop my nose.    Alright, here comes the before and after pics of my hair.

Me short hair

 "A Bit Mad I Am."

So, that’s my incredibly loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog new hair cut.

So random,

Aimee Michelle

I Am Up For A Challenge.

14 Oct

I have been tormented every night by millions of thoughts racing through my mind and have no control.  These thoughts come upon me for my mind is always trying to find solutions to problems with no answer. Life goes by so fast and changes regardless if we are prepared or not.  I have been trying to remedy my insomnia for quite some time now.  I now realize that I need to find an outlet for theses thoughts and emotions.  But what?

That is when it dawned on me that I am a photographer with all of the tools required for such outlet. Fall and winter is a time when my business slows down.  I will take advantage of this time to focus on myself and let my emotions out.  I am not one to cry, I don’t take a moment. I work, I keep going, and I stay extemely busy regardless of whether I want to or not.

So, I am going to experiment with conceptual photography.  I’m going to try and get these ideas out and they are actually going to be self-portraits.  I am a bit conceited, but not enough to make duck faces every five minutes and take “selfies.”  This is going to be something new and very challenging.  As always, I am up for a challenge.

Aimee Michelle

My GlOB I miss you! BLOG Love.

11 Oct

I have missed my blog so much.  It has been a few months and I have denied myself the satisfaction of working on my blog.  It is not so much work, but a conversation.  A conversation with you and with myself.  My blog has kept my sanity and for these pasts few months, it was almost non-existent.  So here I am, ready to make amends with my blog and bask in its love.

These past few months have been incredibly busy.  And as a photographer, that is a great problem to have.  What’s new?  Not only have I kept busy with my photography business, I am also running a dance studio. Eeek!  Just a tad busy.  Other than that, I have time to shower at least.

My photography business picked up during the summer and is now winding down into fall.  But don’t forget: tons of editing!  The dance studio keeps me busy on a daily basis leaving only the weekends to do events.  So my Sundays, have become gold.  Sundays are when I spend time with my family and catch up on sleep.

I have so many excuses for not keeping up with my blog, so I will just say it. “Blog I’m sorry for neglecting you.  I miss you. I love all that you do, and I want to build on our relationship.” That’s a good start right?

Aimee Michelle

I refuse!

4 Apr

“I refuse to get paid in peanuts. I AM NOT AN ELEPHANT.”- Aimee Michelle


4 Mar

I realize that I can never stop doing photography. I love it too much.

Happy birthday my little business!

5 Feb

I’ve been so busy with opening up my mom’s new studio that I completely forgot! Happy Birthday my little photography business! Celebrating 3 years and counting!

My New Year’s Resolution

1 Jan

1. Enjoy my family.

2. Be a little nicer.

3. Learn from the mistakes that I did this year and not do them again.

4. Improve in all aspects of my life.

5. Get healthy.

6. Tell a story.

7. Be happy.


Aimee Michelle

Life explained in Photography terms-bokeh

28 Dec

How do you say, “I’m blind as a bat.”

Photographer’s answer:

“I envision my life through bokeh.”

Hope you had a nice laugh,

Aimee Michelle

WWPD? What Would Photographers Do?

10 Dec

WWPD?  What Would Photographers Do?  As a photographer, you are there to capture the moment in its truest form without any interference.  Correct?  To capture everything that it entails whether it be a couple getting married, children playing with the dog, or even a festival.  But what happens when the moment you capture is not a festive one?   What if the moment you happen to capture is one of a man facing his immediate death?  Are you still a photographer worried about your shutter speed or angle?  That historian who is all about preservation?  Or are you suddenly engulfed with the urge to interject?  To maybe save a person’s life if not more?  Is this wrong?  Who is wrong?  The photographer who did not interject or the photographer who did not get the shot to attempt to save a person’s life?  Here is where you figure out where exactly the line is drawn.  When do morals kick in?  Do they ever?  And at what costs?  Either decision has a steep price to pay.  So which do you choose?  When do you go from taking the shot to being in the shot?  It is all about perspective.  To you, you may have nothing to do with the situation; however, keep in mind that the person behind you yards away taking a picture, considers you in the shot and  part of  the moment. A recent example is of the photographer R. Umar Abbasi,who was able to get a shot of a man right before he was going to die on subway tracks.  Was he right or wrong?  Was there anything he could do?  Was it his natural instinct to take a photograph?  Do morals have anything to do with his actions? Fight or flight?  Another example that I came across on the web, Kevin Carter, who was a Pulitzer Prize Winner for  this famous photograph.  Soon after, he committed suicide.  How do we separate the human aspect of photography from our work if at all?  And when do we go from being professional to being human?

What would YOU do?

Aimee Michelle