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Happy birthday my little business!

5 Feb

I’ve been so busy with opening up my mom’s new studio that I completely forgot! Happy Birthday my little photography business! Celebrating 3 years and counting!

Work, Work, Work!

21 Nov Aimee Michelle Mercado Photography Logo

Hi All,

You may be wondering why I haven’t been blogging lately.  I have been working diligently to reach my business goal.  What that is, I prefer not to say.  I’m still not too open just yet, even though I have a blog.  But nonetheless, working hard.  Many people think that photography is glamorous, but in fact, it is really hard work. When photographing an event, you are expected to stand for the entire event, give or take eight hours sometimes more.  Working outdoors is so much fun, but you have to be ready for anything and face the elements.  Editing!!!  I need to hire an editor! LOL!  Hours and hours of proofing and editing work.  Even though I pick the best photos to work with, any kind of editing takes time.  Back to my point, I have been extremely busy doing all this and I love it.  Now the even harder part is trying to juggle it all at once.  As a business owner I am working very hard to reach my business goal.  As a photographer, I am always looking to improve and stay creative.  And as far as creating an online presence, yikes!  I have my hands full!  No matter what I am doing or how exhausted I am, I love my job.  Why>?  Because it is MY job and it is MY business.  Everything that I do and don’t do is immediately reflected within and it is very rewarding to see and experience the results.

Til’ my next insomniac moment,

Aimee Michelle


What Style of Photography is Right for You? Wedding Photography.

1 Nov

What style of photography is right for you?  As a consumer, you want a photographer that will satisfy your needs, basically, give you what you want.  When searching for a photographer, one of the most important things to consider is “Do I like their photos?”  Simple, basic, and yet so very complicated.  Why is this?  Because when you hire a photographer, you are more than likely hiring them for a special moment in you life, your wedding.  You are entrusting them to be able to capture that moment for you and save it forever.

One of the main things to consider is to figure out which style of photography is right for you.  When it comes to wedding photography, there are two styles.  Traditional and Photojournalism.

The traditional style of photography consists of photographs in which the people are posing.  It requires for the photographer to set up the shot and organize everyone in the photograph.

Traditional Wedding Photography

Traditional Wedding Photography

Photojournalism is the opposite.  It is photography that focuses on capturing candid moments and not interfering.  It tells a story.

Photojournalism Wedding Photography

Photojournalism Wedding Photography

Which style speaks most to you?  Right now you are probably saying, “Well I like both…”  And guess what, that is perfectly okay.  There are also  photographers who do a combination of both.  But the main thing is to find out first before hand.  You don’t want to feel as if your special moment was not captured completely.  Many photographers will allow you to get the best of both worlds.  For example, during the ceremony, the photographer will not interfere at all, zero.  And then right after the ceremony, there may be time that will allow for the photographer to set up traditional photographs.

Now that you are familiar with the styles available for wedding photography, go out there knowing what you want, and find your favorite photographer for you special moment.

Til’ our next special moment,

Aimee Michelle


Introduction-Aimee Michelle

29 Jul

Hi everyone!  My name is Aimee Michelle Mercado and I am a photographer in San Antonio, Texas.  I opened up my business in January of 2010.  I focus mostly on portrait and event photography, but I am open to new ventures.  I am always interested in learning new skills and techniques.  I feel that one should always be learning and striving for improvement.  I also feel that as technical photography can be, it is also an art form and it allows us to be as creative as we want to.  Feel free to say hi, and I will wave back.  🙂