Tag Archives: happy

Think Happy Thoughts —-> Be.

27 Jan

Don’t just think happy thoughts…. Be.  Be your happy thoughts and materialize them into your reality.  Focus on the practice of recognizing negativity and eliminating it at its root.  Negativity is wasted time and energy that will leave you feeling exhausted without motivation or the stamina to doing anything progressive.  Move forward, onward, upward, and just go be.  Figure out, “What makes me happy?”  Repeat out loud, “What makes me happy?”  Find out what you like, find out what you love.  And then write it down immediately before any negative thoughts squander them away.  Be stronger than your negative thoughts.  As soon as your negative thought tries to put you down, say “No. I am stronger than you.  And you are wrong.  I will not let you speak to me in that way.” By writing down what you makes you happy, you have already taken the first steps to making it your reality.  You took action.  Continue taking action and find out what is necessary to be doing what you love.  Surround yourself with people who are friendly, supportive, positive, and that love you.  If at times, you lose energy, go back to that piece of paper where you wrote down what makes you happy. Read it, study it, read it again.  Hold it in your hands, say it out loud, close your eyes, and envision yourself there….. being happy.  Remember, you are worth having happiness.

Think Happy Thoughts. Be.

Aimee Michelle

“Feeling Colorful. “

7 Feb

Hi everyone! I have been trying to challenge myself creatively. My first attempts were not so risque, but they were a step in the right direction. This is me. I feel that this is a work of art and not just a portrait.  I am wearing a tutu on my head and glow in the dark latex body paint on my face.  I also painted in Photoshop to enhance the look.  I used a black light and had my camera on a timer. I call this, “Feeling Colorful.”


Aimee Michelle


Merry Christmas!

25 Dec

Feliz Navidad! Wishing everyone the best and much love!   There is not enough of it these days!   I hope you are enjoying these holidays and may they be bright!  Sending you lots of love and light! 

Aimee Michelle