Tag Archives: people

New Hair Cut! Don’t Get Scared!

8 May

Hi All!

I hope everyone has been doing well.  As usual, I have been pretty busy. Not so much with photography, but rather with life.  Changes.  I cut my hair pretty darn short.  It’s called a “pixie cut.”  Aka a bit longer than a boy’s haircut.  You will remember that I recently did a self-portrait with my version of the Madhatter.  Yes, that crazy hair was all mine!  It was the result of a bad perm.  Okay, I’m lying, it was two bad perms!  So much for being persistent.  Also, I had mentioned that I absolutely hated the way my nose photographs and I kept having to Photoshop it.  Well, it turns out my suspicions were right.  My nose is indeed broken!  So in my vain defense, it was a necessity to Photoshop my nose.    Alright, here comes the before and after pics of my hair.

Me short hair

 "A Bit Mad I Am."

So, that’s my incredibly loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog new hair cut.

So random,

Aimee Michelle

Several Failed Attempts. “How did I end up here?” A Realization.

12 Nov

Now the hard part, taking my business and turning it into a reality.  Opening up my photography business in January of 2010 was one of the most nerve-wrecking ventures I have ever been on.   No one told me how or guided me.  I did it all on my own.  I went out and found the information that I needed to do what had to be done.   To ensure success, I created a business plan that in the initial year would focus on volume sales.  The main reason for this was to promote, become known, get experience, and to ultimately stay in business.  The outcome: it worked.  My small business was very successful its first year and the best part was that we were getting referrals from clients.  It was such a great moment when my business made it to January and had survived the dreaded “first year,” but it did.  Each year the goal has always been the same: consistency and longevity.  I have been working hard along with the support and help of my family, to reach this goal.  It has been a learning process and very stressful, but I did it, and I will continue to do so.  Opening up my own photography business was the best thing that I could have done.  Photography is my calling.  It comes so easily and naturally to me, I don’t have to fight it.  It is the perfect combination of business and art.  It is what I was looking for all along.  It was right in front of me, but I was too blind to see.   Then it occurred to me.  I realized that my several failed attempts in life were not failed attempts at all.  They just were not my calling.  They were not meant to be.  They were just part of the process of finding out who I was, who I am.  This is a process that we all must go through in life to figure out who we are and find ourselves.  Life is not black and white.  It is not a resume that you can fit on a single sheet of paper.  It is messy and confusing, but well worth it.  There are no easy questions much less answers.  So if you are lost, I encourage you to make several different attempts at life because we never know who we truly are until we try.

Sincerely yours,

Aimee Michelle

Monochromatic = Dramatic

3 Nov

There is something about black and white photography that makes the pictures even more compelling.  They tell a story without ever having to speak a word.

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Monochromatic = Dramatic.  Just had to share.

Til’ the next monochromatic moment,

Aimee Michelle