Tag Archives: pictures

New Hair Cut! Don’t Get Scared!

8 May

Hi All!

I hope everyone has been doing well.  As usual, I have been pretty busy. Not so much with photography, but rather with life.  Changes.  I cut my hair pretty darn short.  It’s called a “pixie cut.”  Aka a bit longer than a boy’s haircut.  You will remember that I recently did a self-portrait with my version of the Madhatter.  Yes, that crazy hair was all mine!  It was the result of a bad perm.  Okay, I’m lying, it was two bad perms!  So much for being persistent.  Also, I had mentioned that I absolutely hated the way my nose photographs and I kept having to Photoshop it.  Well, it turns out my suspicions were right.  My nose is indeed broken!  So in my vain defense, it was a necessity to Photoshop my nose.    Alright, here comes the before and after pics of my hair.

Me short hair

 "A Bit Mad I Am."

So, that’s my incredibly loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog new hair cut.

So random,

Aimee Michelle

“It’s Time.” Self-Portrait Challenge. Levitation.

5 Apr

Hi everyone!

            I hope everyone is doing well and keeping busy.  I myself have recently joined a group of photographers that meetup every month.  My goal is to become inspired and most of all learn.  So,  I recently entered a photography contest that focused on fine art photography.  The challenge was to create your own levitation photograph.  I had never done this nor did it ever occur to me to do it.   Challenge accepted!  My first thought was that it would be great as my self-portrait challenge.  My second thought, when the hell is the occurrence of levitation perfectly acceptable or expected?  I could not simply take a photograph of myself levitating.  I felt the thought to be incomplete.  I had to create a story.  I had to create a world where levitation would be expected, where levitation would be the only logic.  So, this is the result.  As far as the long hair, I have an incredible set of hair extensions.  This was used to show motion and direction.


"It's Time." Levitation Photography.  Fine art photography.

“It’s Time.”

Fine-art photography really is a challenge for me.  It is completely out of my comfort zone.  Yet, I am achieving my goal of being creative and becoming inspired.  I do feel that I need to work more on my blending of different photographs.  It was also extremely difficult for me to make sure that the different layers had the same hues, brightness, contrast, and color balance.  This  artwork is actually a composite of five different photographs.  On another note, I discovered a really neat way of doing sun rays.  I will post the link to the youtube video later.


Aimee Michelle

My favorite pictures. The Self-Analysis of a Photographer. #1

24 Oct

My favorite pictures.  My favorite pictures are those that I can’t stop staring at.  They draw me in, they capture me, and I become mesmerized.  I can’t explain it, but they just do.  Many of them don’t even follow the “rules of photography.”  So does this make me a rebel?  I know that what I feel is my favorite, will probably not be for anyone else.  And that is okay.  Everyone is allowed to have their favorite anything.  So here is one.

Silhouette of a Family Portrait

I have heard that photographers who compile all of the photographs that speak to them, that they are usually a reflection of the photographer and have an underlying theme.  I’m not sure how true this is, but I will post from time to time my favorite pictures and eventually “see” if there exists such correlation.

Til’ the next Self-Analysis of a Photographer,

Aimee Michelle

What to do when YOUR in the picture. Bringing out the Emotion.

3 Oct

What do you do when YOUR in the picture? Do you panic?  Do you get nervous?  What do you do?  RELAX.  Breathe in and let out a big sigh.    You will find that by being able to relax, that your photo session can actually become really fun.  It is great to be in a wonderful pose and in the best angles, but as a portrait photographer, I realize that it is all about your face.  Body language is fantastic; however, if your face is telling another story, it does not work.  How do you get that certain facial expression?  Once you are in your pose and settled in, think about something, ANYTHING!  Think about someone that makes you smile or maybe a joke that makes you laugh.  Think about that special someone and all the great moments.  Go into character.  Think that you are a sexy spy or that mischievous librarian that is talking too loud.  The point is to have a thought in mind and react to it while in front of the camera.  In that way, your emotion will come through and bring your photographs to life.  This will make all the difference between a lifeless photograph that is without emotion, and a brilliant photograph, that has that certain sparkle in your eyes.  

Happy Photographing,

Aimee Michelle

What Kind of Photography Moves You?

27 Sep

We all have that favorite picture that we can’t let go.  We maybe carry it in our wallet or purse.  We maybe even have it clinging to our mirror at home, or on our desk at work.  But ask yourself, what makes your picture so special?  Is it of that special someone?  A loved one perhaps?  A special place that you would like to go to?  An artistic portrait that shows who you really are?  Or is it a glimpse of the past?  What kind of photography moves you?  For me, I have always been drawn to fashion portraits.  Why?  Because it is like a fantasy to me.  You can play dress up, create a magical moment, and save it.  It is rare for a person to be walking around with an outrageous outfit all of the time, or wear huge headpieces to work on a daily basis.  It just isn’t the norm.  But during the shoot, it is expected and embraced.  That is what I love about it.  It allows for creativity and there are no limits.  Most of all, I find it to be fun.  Lately, I must confess, I have been drawn more towards children’s portraits.  Probably because they are of my special loved one.  Before, I was very objective when I came across them, but now it is different.  It is different because I now have a loved one who I feel takes the most beautiful portraits in the world.  Am I playing favorites?  Of course I am.  And now I ask you, what kind of photography moves you?  Feel free to comment and post your favorite picture.  I look forward to seeing them!