Archive | December, 2012

Life explained in Photography terms-bokeh

28 Dec

How do you say, “I’m blind as a bat.”

Photographer’s answer:

“I envision my life through bokeh.”

Hope you had a nice laugh,

Aimee Michelle

Merry Christmas!

25 Dec

Feliz Navidad! Wishing everyone the best and much love!   There is not enough of it these days!   I hope you are enjoying these holidays and may they be bright!  Sending you lots of love and light! 

Aimee Michelle

Holiday Spirit Anyone?

17 Dec

I’m looking everywhere for the holiday spirit and all I find are tragedies.

Hoping for the future,

Aimee Michelle

WWPD? What Would Photographers Do?

10 Dec

WWPD?  What Would Photographers Do?  As a photographer, you are there to capture the moment in its truest form without any interference.  Correct?  To capture everything that it entails whether it be a couple getting married, children playing with the dog, or even a festival.  But what happens when the moment you capture is not a festive one?   What if the moment you happen to capture is one of a man facing his immediate death?  Are you still a photographer worried about your shutter speed or angle?  That historian who is all about preservation?  Or are you suddenly engulfed with the urge to interject?  To maybe save a person’s life if not more?  Is this wrong?  Who is wrong?  The photographer who did not interject or the photographer who did not get the shot to attempt to save a person’s life?  Here is where you figure out where exactly the line is drawn.  When do morals kick in?  Do they ever?  And at what costs?  Either decision has a steep price to pay.  So which do you choose?  When do you go from taking the shot to being in the shot?  It is all about perspective.  To you, you may have nothing to do with the situation; however, keep in mind that the person behind you yards away taking a picture, considers you in the shot and  part of  the moment. A recent example is of the photographer R. Umar Abbasi,who was able to get a shot of a man right before he was going to die on subway tracks.  Was he right or wrong?  Was there anything he could do?  Was it his natural instinct to take a photograph?  Do morals have anything to do with his actions? Fight or flight?  Another example that I came across on the web, Kevin Carter, who was a Pulitzer Prize Winner for  this famous photograph.  Soon after, he committed suicide.  How do we separate the human aspect of photography from our work if at all?  And when do we go from being professional to being human?

What would YOU do?

Aimee Michelle

Subway Photographer: ‘It’s chilling to me’

10 Dec

On Location Quinceanera Shoot.

8 Dec

This shoot was done on location of a Quinceanera.   These photos were taken right when the sun was starting to go down and it created such warmth.  It is always a challenge when shooting outdoors, but it can create very beautiful results.

White Quinceanera Dress

White Quinceanera Dress

White Quinceanera Dress

White Quinceanera Dress

A LOVE Letter to Missed Opportunities.

7 Dec

To Missed Opportunities,

I recently missed out on an opportunity: exposure, leads, clients, credibility, networking.  So they say.  But is it really an opportunity or a new sales pitch?  Who exactly is it a missed opportunity for?  Why does it have to be an opportunity and why does it have to be one that you missed?  Why can’t it simply be something that was not meant to be?  Why all this guilt?  Why is it that an opportunity never comes to you and you always have to go to it?  Why is there only a “small window of opportunity” and not an entire door that I can walk through or beat down with one swift kick?  Who decides this and why do I have to adhere to these so-called “rules of opportunity?”  I won’t do it.  I am going to make my own opportunities when I want and how I want.  So you listen to me opportunity, you are going to be created  by me, for me, exactly to my specifications.  So I look forward to working you, opportunity.  And you better be on time because you won’t be missed.

With Love,

Aimee Michelle


Hello Legs.

2 Dec

Hello Legs.