Archive | October, 2012


24 Oct

Some more pics from a recent photo shoot that I did with Telisa the model.

Feather photo shoot

Feather photo shoot

Feather photo shoot

Feather photo shoot

Loved this theme and Loved working with this model!


Aimee Michelle Mercado Photography

My favorite pictures. The Self-Analysis of a Photographer. #1

24 Oct

My favorite pictures.  My favorite pictures are those that I can’t stop staring at.  They draw me in, they capture me, and I become mesmerized.  I can’t explain it, but they just do.  Many of them don’t even follow the “rules of photography.”  So does this make me a rebel?  I know that what I feel is my favorite, will probably not be for anyone else.  And that is okay.  Everyone is allowed to have their favorite anything.  So here is one.

Silhouette of a Family Portrait

I have heard that photographers who compile all of the photographs that speak to them, that they are usually a reflection of the photographer and have an underlying theme.  I’m not sure how true this is, but I will post from time to time my favorite pictures and eventually “see” if there exists such correlation.

Til’ the next Self-Analysis of a Photographer,

Aimee Michelle

How Green Screen Photography Works.

18 Oct

At Aimee Michelle Mercado Photography, we offer our clients the option of having their photo session done with a green screen background.  Now what exactly is Green Screen Photography and how does it work?  Green Screen Photography is usually referred to as “Chromakey.”  It is a method of photography in which the work is done digitally.  The bright green color of the background allows for it to be separated from the foreground, and be removed or “keyed” out, so that it can be replaced with another image.   There are several benefits to this.  So for example, we a have a sweet sixteen whose theme is “butterflies.”  We can change the background to an image that has several butterflies flying around in the garden.   Or when winter is near and the weather does not allow for an outdoor photo shoot, green screen is the way to go.  With the green screen, we can actually make it seem as if the photo shoot had been done outdoors.  A very popular theme is fantasy.  We can easily place a sweet sixteen inside a castle surrounded by columns.  With green screen, the possibilities are infinite.  It opens up an entire world and can easily create a personalized photograph that is custom tailored just for you.  Here are a few examples:



Green Screen Photography is very fun and it allows you to be very creative.  It can be tailored specifically to your tastes and needs.  These are just two of the many examples that you can view on my website.



Aimee Michelle

The Start of my Creative Journey.

12 Oct

This is the start of my creative journey and I have taken my first steps… The theme of this photoshoot was “Ice Queen.” It was fun doing her makeup and getting setup for the shoot.  The model, Helaina Reuter came prepared and gave me several different looks and emotions.  This is the makings of a great shoot.  I finally got a chance to be creative and see my ideas come to life.  I am hoping to do more photoshoots like this and just have fun doing it.  There are several more ideas that I want to see flourish.  I don’t know if every shoot will be a success, but it will be an experience that I will never forget.  I will make sure that I keep you posted on my creative journey.

Yours truly,

Aimee Michelle




What to do when YOUR in the picture. Bringing out the Emotion.

3 Oct

What do you do when YOUR in the picture? Do you panic?  Do you get nervous?  What do you do?  RELAX.  Breathe in and let out a big sigh.    You will find that by being able to relax, that your photo session can actually become really fun.  It is great to be in a wonderful pose and in the best angles, but as a portrait photographer, I realize that it is all about your face.  Body language is fantastic; however, if your face is telling another story, it does not work.  How do you get that certain facial expression?  Once you are in your pose and settled in, think about something, ANYTHING!  Think about someone that makes you smile or maybe a joke that makes you laugh.  Think about that special someone and all the great moments.  Go into character.  Think that you are a sexy spy or that mischievous librarian that is talking too loud.  The point is to have a thought in mind and react to it while in front of the camera.  In that way, your emotion will come through and bring your photographs to life.  This will make all the difference between a lifeless photograph that is without emotion, and a brilliant photograph, that has that certain sparkle in your eyes.  

Happy Photographing,

Aimee Michelle