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Artistic Bridal shots.

9 May

I took the traditional full length shots, but I also played around with some artistic shots. Love!




I must say that these shots were much more difficult to achieve, but I really wanted to get them and I love a challenge.

Sincerely yours,


Editing editing editing!

30 Mar

You cannot just go shutter crazy taking pictures and call yourself a photographer. Nope.  You need to sit down and edit!   Or else you will be playing catch up! I am going to make it a goal to edit photographs at least once a week.  Here are some pictures of my little brother that had been lost in my digital closet. By the way, he gets his good looks from me! Lol.


Aimee Michelle






On Location Quinceanera Shoot.

8 Dec

This shoot was done on location of a Quinceanera.   These photos were taken right when the sun was starting to go down and it created such warmth.  It is always a challenge when shooting outdoors, but it can create very beautiful results.

White Quinceanera Dress

White Quinceanera Dress

White Quinceanera Dress

White Quinceanera Dress

How Green Screen Photography Works.

18 Oct

At Aimee Michelle Mercado Photography, we offer our clients the option of having their photo session done with a green screen background.  Now what exactly is Green Screen Photography and how does it work?  Green Screen Photography is usually referred to as “Chromakey.”  It is a method of photography in which the work is done digitally.  The bright green color of the background allows for it to be separated from the foreground, and be removed or “keyed” out, so that it can be replaced with another image.   There are several benefits to this.  So for example, we a have a sweet sixteen whose theme is “butterflies.”  We can change the background to an image that has several butterflies flying around in the garden.   Or when winter is near and the weather does not allow for an outdoor photo shoot, green screen is the way to go.  With the green screen, we can actually make it seem as if the photo shoot had been done outdoors.  A very popular theme is fantasy.  We can easily place a sweet sixteen inside a castle surrounded by columns.  With green screen, the possibilities are infinite.  It opens up an entire world and can easily create a personalized photograph that is custom tailored just for you.  Here are a few examples:



Green Screen Photography is very fun and it allows you to be very creative.  It can be tailored specifically to your tastes and needs.  These are just two of the many examples that you can view on my website.



Aimee Michelle

What to Bring to an Outdoor Photo Shoot

30 Jul

Many people are so excited about their photo shoot: the hair, the makeup, the beautiful dress… but what they don’t think about, can prove to be extremely helpful.  In the following, I will list essentials to bring along to a photo shoot.  They are very basic and simple items, yet very easy to forget.

10 Essentials to Bring to a Photo Shoot:

1. Makeup bag
2. Brush
3. Hair pins
4. Safety pins
5. Towel
6. Bottled Water
7. Extra pair of shoes that are easy to walk in
8. Compact Mirror
9. Wipes
10. Carrying Bag
11. Umbrella

These are essentials to bring to a photo shoot.  You may even want to consider an emergency sewing kit or for men, maybe even some deodorant.  For children, you may want to bring an extra outfit or shirt. These essentials are meant to help your photo shoot go smoothly and help address any unexpected surprises. And don’t forget to smile!