Archive | September, 2012

I Picture Hope

27 Sep

I have been looking for an organization that inspired me and that I would like to volunteer at.  I found it.  IPictureHope is an organization in which professional photographers offer free beauty sessions for women fighting or surviving breast cancer.
If you know of anyone that we can provide this service to, please let us know.  We will be more than willing to create a fun and memorable experience.  We look forward to having a great time!

What Kind of Photography Moves You?

27 Sep

We all have that favorite picture that we can’t let go.  We maybe carry it in our wallet or purse.  We maybe even have it clinging to our mirror at home, or on our desk at work.  But ask yourself, what makes your picture so special?  Is it of that special someone?  A loved one perhaps?  A special place that you would like to go to?  An artistic portrait that shows who you really are?  Or is it a glimpse of the past?  What kind of photography moves you?  For me, I have always been drawn to fashion portraits.  Why?  Because it is like a fantasy to me.  You can play dress up, create a magical moment, and save it.  It is rare for a person to be walking around with an outrageous outfit all of the time, or wear huge headpieces to work on a daily basis.  It just isn’t the norm.  But during the shoot, it is expected and embraced.  That is what I love about it.  It allows for creativity and there are no limits.  Most of all, I find it to be fun.  Lately, I must confess, I have been drawn more towards children’s portraits.  Probably because they are of my special loved one.  Before, I was very objective when I came across them, but now it is different.  It is different because I now have a loved one who I feel takes the most beautiful portraits in the world.  Am I playing favorites?  Of course I am.  And now I ask you, what kind of photography moves you?  Feel free to comment and post your favorite picture.  I look forward to seeing them!


Feathers Themed Photo Shoot

21 Sep

I wanted to create a fun, sexy, fashion look in this shoot. I want to start taking photographs that have a theme behind them.  It allows for more creativity and for new ideas to be explored.  It gives women a chance to show multiple aspects of their personality and be empowering.  We all have an inner goddess inside that we harness and tame on a daily basis.  Why not bring her out for a moment to come out and play?

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How many people can come with me to a photo shoot?

14 Sep
Many clients often wonder “how many people can come with me to a photo shoot?”  The answer to this question will vary.  This is a question that must be discussed with your photographer before the photo shoot.  Each photographer is different and each has a different style of working. As a general rule, you do not want to bring everyone and your grandma to the photo shoot unless they are going to be in the portrait.  For family portraits, it is best to not bring anyone along because the photographer will already be extremely busy trying to coordinate an entire family.  For individual portraits, most photographers consider it okay to bring along one person to the shoot; however, they will usually end up assisting.  If the person getting photographed is a minor, there must be a parent or guardian present.  If you are a model and would like an escort present, you must speak with your photographer before because in the modeling world, escorts are somewhat looked at negatively.  If you do decide to bring another person along to a photo shoot and your photographer gave you the okay, then that person needs to have manners.  Once the photo shoot starts, the photographer is in work mode. Comments and suggestions should have been discussed with the photographer before the shoot, and there is no need for the person you brought along to be interrupting or slowing down the photo shoot.  If the person is asked to wait outside or away from the location, this is normal.  Do not get insulted or offended.  It is very distracting to both the photographer and the client to have someone else present.  The photographer is trying to make you the client, feel as comfortable as possible to get the best shot possible. There are also many photographers that do not allow anyone else to be brought along. This is just the way they work and are not trying to insult anyone.  If you do not feel comfortable with this, discuss it with your photographer and try to work something out. Again, these are all guidelines to give you a better idea and help you decide with your photographer what is best for both of you.
til next time,
Aimee Michelle